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The Weekly Trek: Student Spotlight - 5th Grade S2

April 28th, 2023 - Fifth Grade Highlights S2

Our 5th grade students are currently learning about writing a research report, volume vs. area, human nutrition, and the 50 states! We had an awesome time on our field trip to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Learning about the animals and their life cycle was so much fun! 

Jesse G witht the giraffes

This week’s recognition goes to Jesse Guerena. Jesse is kind, respectful, and hard working. Jesse is a leader in the classroom and is always ready to lend a helping hand to others. Jesse has a passion for Nascar and making sure he is doing his best with his course work. We are so proud of Jesse's hard work!

Want to see the whole journey? View the Pathfinder Weekly Trek here.

  • Student Spotlight
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